1. It was my first "talkie" - meaning that when movies first started incorporating voice over action, they called them "talkies". This one didn't have talking over the dialogue, just the singing, so it was still pretty boring. And worse than watching a movie with subtitles, because they just showed text on a black screen for the dialogue.
2. It was my first movie with black-face. As evidenced above.
3. It was the first time I've been in a synagogue (visually, anyways).
4. It was the first time I've fast-forwarded through a majority of a movie and still understood exactly what was going on. Except the part about why Al Jolsen was in black-face, I still don't get that.
So this concludes 10% of the list! I'm on to the 80's, and from the looks of the list (http://www.afi.com/100years/movies.aspx) I'm looking forward to it!
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